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17 July 2024

Pepper The Fox

What makes international professionals move to Austria

Our relocation expert Pepper The Fox can confidently say one thing: Austria is a great place to live. First-class social system and healthcare, top infrastructure, safe streets for children, great educational opportunities and so on.

Now Pepper asks himself:

  • What is it that makes Austria interesting for international professionals?
  • What (plus) points do internationals base their decision on, and
  • where can companies offer more in order to position themselves as an even more attractive employer for top-talents?

First of all, a short laudatory speech to our capital city Vienna, which has once again been voted the city with the highest quality of life in the world. In addition to factors such as healthcare and the environment, Vienna also scores highly for its general stability and excellent infrastructure.

In addition, Austria occupies the good 6th place in the ranking of the most popular non-English-speaking work destinations, both internationally and at European level.

Based on these statistics and the experience of our day-to-day work, Pepper highlights what makes Austria a popular choice of home and work destination for new employees (and their families).

Here is a small ranking:

  1. Good quality of life - low crime rate, very high social security and excellent infrastructure
  2. Good employment opportunities - based on our daily work and client base, we can safely say that there are top companies in Austria with diverse employment opportunities
  3. Attractive salary opportunities - which is the number one priority for international professionals when it comes to the decision process for a specific company
  4. Family-friendly conditions - good education system, free public kindergartens and schools, good leisure infrastructure, etc.
  5. Healthcare - the Austrian healthcare system is one of the best in international comparison due to its excellent medical care

Austria therefore has very favorable conditions in terms of economic aspects and quality of life. This is an enormous advantage, considering that numerous economic and labor market experts agree: Companies in Austria are already suffering acutely from the shortage of skilled workers and are dependent on international workers (and will be increasingly so in the future).

As a result, it makes sense to take the first steps in the international competition for skilled workers now (and actually already yesterday) and to consider, or obtain expertise, on how to position yourself as an attractive employer for top international talents.

⇒ How can we support skilled workers from abroad so that they settle in well in Austria and would stay?

Because one thing (in terms of economic policy) is clear: a quick and skillful approach must be taken to enable the desired skilled workers from abroad to integrate into Austria as easily as possible. This benefits the newly arrived employee (especially privately), the respective company and, viewed in its entirety, the whole Austrian economy a la longue.

Finally, Pepper highlights a few points from the experiences of our customers as a kind of relocation wish list for internationals:

  • In the course of a successful (pre-)onboarding process, new foreign workers strive for the smoothest possible relocation (finding accommodation, moving furniture, contact person for all these matters, etc.)
  • and wish for comprehensive support and advice in the application process for residence permits for themselves and their families. In addition, the assumption of costs for any official fees that may incurre is an enormous relief.
  • Contact person in the new company (possibly even before moving) - such a "buddy" takes the pressure off the manager and the new employee has the feeling that they can turn to someone at any time.
  • In addition, internationals and their partners are often interested in making contact with other foreign professionals (in similar life situations). This exchange is often the first step towards a solid integration into the new living environment.

Pepper and the RANDOS team are the experts when it comes to making the arrival of international employees in Austria as pleasant as possible. Feel free to contact our consultants at any time with your concerns. By the way, the first consultation is free of charge...