City Guide

When driving on Austrian Motorways you are obliged to buy a sticker which is valid for one year and costs € 103,80 (you can buy it from December of the year before). The new years's Vignette must be applied by 31st of January 2025 and is valid until 31st of January 2026.
The Vignette is available in post offices, tabacco shops and gas stations. You can also get a 2-month-sticker which costs € 31,10 and a 10-days-sticker which costs € 12,40 (suggestive if you buy a car at the end of the year). Motorbikes € 41,50 a year.
(In the picture: Vignette for 2025.)
The Vignette should be placed in the upper left or right corner or in the upper middle on the inside of your front windscreen. www.vignette.at; www.oeamtc.at
There is also the option to buy a Digital Vignette at this link: https://shop.asfinag.at.
Mobile phone
Calling with the mobile phone is prohibited by law while driving a car in Austria. If you like to call although you have to buy either a handsfree set or park the car. Watch out: Also when you are waiting at traffic lights or in a traffic jam calling on the mobile phone is forbidden.
Winter tires
It is obligatory to use winter tires from 1st of November to 15th of April. Drivers who violate this law will get fines from € 35,00 to € 5.000,00. In case of an accident, when driving without winter tires during winter season, although the driver isn't guilty, the insurance company won't pay any damages and the driver will be criminally prosecuted.