Family Services
Your family is safe with us! We leave nothing to chance and offer competent support in choosing schools and kindergartens, apply for all family allowances, take care of health insurance and the registration of your pets.
School- and Kindergarten Search
We support you with the search and selection of a suitable school / kindergarten (local, bilingual or international), accompany you to appointments and help with the registration process.
Childcare allowance and family allowance
We provide assistance with the application for family allowance or childcare allowance.
Co-Insurance with the statutory insurance company
Support in applying for co-insurance of family members with the statutory health insurance fund.
Support for the conclusion of private health insurance policies
According to your personal, as well as legal requirements, we will help you to find a suitable health insurance.
Dog registration
We support you with necessary information about entry regulations as well as with the official registration of your four-legged friend and the entry into the animal data base.