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IT Security Incident


Type of Breach / Incident Description 

The protection and security of your data are of utmost importance to us. Despite our extensive security measures, we experienced a ransomware attack that compromised our backup server.

What measures were taken to address/mitigate the issue? 

Immediately upon discovery (our IT -Support monitors our systems 24/7), the affected backup server was shut down and disconnected from the network. Our IT Specialists acted swiftly, involving additional experts (Cyber Defense Experts as well as Cyber Forensic Experts) and implementing effective countermeasures.

The incident was reported to the relevant data protection authority in accordance with Article 33 of the GDPR, as well as reported to the police. We are in continuous contact with our IT team and cybersecurity experts, who are monitoring known data sales platforms. So far, no suspicious activities have been detected.

Were any data stolen? Who is affected? 

Currently, we have no information on whether and which data were stolen during the attack, and if so, to what quantity.

According to the current state of knowledge, our involved experts cannot dismiss the possibility that someone accessed and upload the stored data (name, birth dates, social security numbers, work and home addresses, communication data) without authorization.

All individuals whose data we processed as part of our contracts could potentially be affected.

Potential Consequences

If data were leaked, they could be used for further attacks, potentially making them more effective. This could include attacks through seemingly authentic phishing emails. The possibility of the data being shared or published cannot be excluded.

Our operations are not affected – the security incident only impacted our backup server, not our main IT-Infrastructure or professional setting.

Do you need to take any further action? 

Please be careful regarding suspicious emails, especially that appear to come from us but asking for sensitive details. If anything seems suspicious, please contact us immediately.